
I just wanted to say a big thank you and let you know that I have installed all the EMV upgraded readers and updated the firmware. Fantastic system. Everything is working great.
I have been unable to find anyone to buy my laundromat for the price I believe it is worth (including the newly installed CC systems) but since I made a decision to keep it, I have been pleasantly surprised at the gravitation toward the new EMV card readers. It is like people are attracted to the LED glow on the new readers where the EMV chip insert is.
As I mentioned to Dave (SpyderWash Support), who has been exceptionally helpful during this installation process, it is like we never had credit card readers before this EMV updated device. If you have time, please check out MySuperClean Wash on Google to read some of the reviews. One customer actually posted a picture of the newly installed EMV-capable readers on a row of washers.
As I mentioned, the people I have been in contact with on your team (SpyderWash) have been very wonderful – Dave, Jaime, and the nice lady that answers the phone (forgot her name) – all great people.
Apologies for the long-winded email. It should confirm to you my excitement about the new equipment.
MySuperClean Wash
Duncanville, TX
Dear Spyderwash,
We recently purchased, demolished, and recreated a new Laundromat in Morrisville, Vermont. When researching our competition we noticed that our two closest competitors offered a laundry card system. This system will only allow the customer to purchase their card and use that card to operate their laundry equipment. Other older Laundromats offered coin payment only. While considering the best payment options for our new Laundromat, we did consider the card only option because it does appear to be easier for the laundry owner, however we knew that we had to be more user friendly to the customer to get the business from not only our town but also neighboring towns that are home to our competition. We decided to purchase the Spyderwash system and have received positive feedback from our customers. Not only are they happy to have a payment choice (coin or debit/credit card), we are also getting many customers from the competition’s area because they are not locked into a specific laundry card. Although we do pay a fee to USA Technologies for the credit system, we have found that the increase in sales has more than made up for the minimal expense. The Spyderwash website is also very valuable in tracking sales, and the customer support has proven to be very good as well.
We believe that the Spyderwash system is an asset to our business now and will also be if we choose to sell in the future.
Thank you,
Lamoille Laundry Center
I just wanted to post a follow-up to let everybody know that we did indeed go with Spyderwash by Setomatic. We have been live for about 7 weeks, and we absolutely love it. Mike and Greg with Setomatic have been available every time I called. Great customer service, not a single equipment problem and I love the website with all of it’s reporting. Let the big data roll!!! I fully recommend and endorse this product.
Customers are responding well too. Virtually no customer service problems, customers love having another payment option. I’m seeing about 20% of the turns on these washers coming from card, and I expect that to grow steadily over time.
Based on this success so far, we hope to add Spyderwash to the remainder of our washers in the next year or so. We have 160 washers here, and currently Spyderwash is only on the 60, 80 and 90#ers (23 machines).
World’s Largest Laundromat
Berwyn, IL
He said, “I don’t know how you could run a coin laundry without SpyderWash”.
Owner of Katie’s Clean & Green Laundry Center
Lakewood, OH
My name is Bruce Dixon and I am part-owner of Big Wash Tub Laundry in Columbia, Tennessee. Our store is 4500 square feet, unattended, and we have over 70 washers and 70 dryers. We looked at different cashless payment systems for over two years before we bought the Spyderwash System from Setomatic in 2011. We put the system on about ½ of our washers and 1/3 of our dryers. To say we have been pleased would be an understatement and we have not even utilized all the capabilities of the system. We are the only laundry in the area with a cashless system. Our revenue has increased and so has the percentage of customers using credit.
Customers love the system. They tell us how convenient it is to use a credit / debit card instead of the hassle of using quarters – especially on the bigger, higher vend price machines. As a side note, it also helps us verify those very few false refund requests we all get.
The Spyderwash System allows us instant feedback on how and when our machines are being used and even helps us estimate how much revenue we have generated for the day even though every machine does not have a card reader. The system can be accessed at my desk, my home or my phone.
We have done advertising campaigns sending a Spyderwash loyalty card to every renter within 12 miles of our store and, for the first time, were able to determine how effective our campaign was based on the number of cards that were used and where they came from. The system is easy to learn and use and we have had extremely few maintenance issues and we resolved those ourselves. We even add or subtract machines when necessary and even change vend prices. It takes only minutes.
Part-Owner of Big Wash Tub Laundry
Columbia, TN
When I decided to retool an old run down store for myself I wanted to create a store that customers would appreciate and would be easy to manage as well. I considered doing an all card store because of the ease of management. As you know running my laundry is just a part time gig for me, my full-time business keeps me very busy. After researching all my options I felt that doing a credit/debit card & coin store was the way to go. I could enjoy the benefits of accepting both credit/debit cards as well as loyalty cards without having to alienate the customers who just wanted to use coins. This was a big deal for me as I’m in a very competitive market with several coin and card only stores within a mile of my store.
When I researched the available options it became very clear that SpyderWash was going to be the best option. Not only does the product look good but it interfaces with both the customer and the equipment perfectly. I can say with no hesitation I made the right choice. When you purchase something that you have no prior experience with you never really know what to expect. The customer service I received from Frank while installing the product was, well, the best I’ve ever experienced. He made himself available on the weekend and in the evening, above and beyond in my opinion.
I’ve had the system installed for just over a year now, which is why I waited to send you this letter, and everything has and is working perfectly. We had on minor issue within the first couple weeks which was handled by the SpyderWash team with first class results. I’ve been able to use the system to market my customers and grow my business. I’ve also enjoyed the fact that I save so much time by not having to count my coins, as the system does that for me. I love that the reports help me analyze my business and give me the information at the touch of a button to see my business from every possible view. I can run reports that match my utility bill dates so I can accurately determine my cost per cycle, I can run a report to see what my busy days or times are (which helped my determine my attendant hours), I can see the trends of my loyalty customers and there are reports for just about anything you can imagine.
If you want to have the best technology to maximize your laundry, I have no hesitation recommending SpyderWash. Thank you to you and your team for helping me get the most out my business.
Owner, Mr Bubbles Coin Laundry
Tacoma, WA
To Whom it may concern,
I have worked with the team of Setomatic over the past few years while testing their Spyderwash credit card system at various locations. I am very satisfied with this system as it offers me a lot of options at a fair price. Setomatic backs their product, and are very knowledgeable about the future of cashless systems.
I feel they will continue to be at the forefront in this area, and look forward to further expanding into the future with them.
Associated Services Corporation President
To My Fellow Laundry Owners,
My Laundromat, Q laundry, is a 3000 square foot laundry built with 39 Electrolux front load high spin washer extractors. Q Laundry has 36 forty-five pound (very large) dryers. My laundry is located in the city of 80,000 served by six Laundromats, including mine. The city is central to four outlying cities, two of which have their own self-serve laundries.
Q Laundry is the first laundry to be built from scratch, in Bellingham, in over 20 years. Our goal was to be sustainable in terms of utilities, and focus on economy of time for my customers by pushing the edge on technology.
One way that Q laundry is customer-centric is by offering payment options at every washer and dryer. Q Laundry sets itself apart from all of the other competitors by accepting debit and credit cards at every
machine. No matter where they go in the store – their debit card, credit card, or prepaid wash card will work. My customers are thrilled with this technological investment, and I have data to prove it.
While the customers are thrilled to have a choice in payment options, I like the data the SpyderWash
back office provides. For six consecutive months (July 2013 – January 2014) fully 2/3 of my income on wash/dry at the machine is from debit/credit and prepaid wash cards.
- Debit/Credit Cards: 30% (1/3) of my wash/dry income is on card. USA Live is the processing gateway and I have found their reporting to be timely and their reports to be accurate.
- Prepaid Wash Cards/Loyalty Cards: I had cards custom designed so they promote my brand. These cards are another 30% (1/3) of wash/dry income.
The SpyderWash back office is where I monitor revenue by card/prepaid wash card/cash. This is a cloud computing based program so I do not have to download/update/buy software to run it. I prefer to work from the cloud as program updates are the responsibility of the company and my data is retrievable from anywhere, anytime.
Another piece of data that we are using for marketing comes straight out of the back office: machine transactions. I actually download the file, and work with it in a spreadsheet format to ferret out the details such as what machines are being used the most and at what time of day. This report alone has helped me direct our wash/dry/fold machine use as well as time of day pricing by specific machine type.
SpyderWash at every machine has created a single learning curve for my customers; once they know how to do it on one machine, it is the same for all machines. This is an important piece of the customer experience; our goal is to create independent return customers.
Owner of Q Laundry
Bellingham, WA